Google Search Console

New Google Search Console Features

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By Wilhelm Gutmann

Google Search Console has recently introduced several new features aimed at enhancing user experience and providing webmasters with more insights into their website’s performance. These additions are designed to offer more comprehensive data, streamline the optimization process, and ultimately improve search visibility. Let’s explore these new features in detail:

Enhanced Performance Reports

Google Search Console now offers enhanced performance reports, providing webmasters with deeper insights into their website’s performance on Google Search. These reports include:

Enhanced Performance Reports
Enhanced Performance Reports

Core Web Vitals Metrics

Under this section, webmasters can analyze metrics related to Core Web Vitals, such as Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). This helps identify areas for improvement in terms of page loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability.

Mobile Usability Insights

With the rise of mobile search traffic, websites must ensure a seamless mobile experience. The enhanced performance reports now include detailed insights into mobile usability issues, allowing webmasters to address any issues that may affect their mobile search rankings.

Search Appearance Data

Webmasters can now delve deeper into how their website appears in Google Search results. This includes information on rich results, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) pages, and other search appearance features. Understanding how your website’s listings appear in search results can help optimize click-through rates and user engagement.

Historical Data Trends

In addition to real-time performance data, webmasters can now view historical trends to track how their website’s performance has evolved. This feature enables better long-term optimization strategies and helps identify patterns and fluctuations in search visibility.

Improved Index Coverage Status

Understanding how Google crawls and indexes your website is essential for ensuring maximum visibility in search results. The new index coverage status feature provides webmasters with:

Improved Index Coverage Status
Improved Index Coverage Status

Detailed Error Reporting

Webmasters can now access more detailed error reports, allowing them to identify and address indexing issues more effectively. Whether it’s crawl errors, indexing errors, or issues with submitted URLs, this feature provides actionable insights to improve index coverage.

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URL Inspection Enhancements

The URL inspection tool has been enhanced to provide more comprehensive information about how Google crawls and indexes specific URLs on your website. This includes details on when a URL was last crawled, whether it’s indexed, and any issues encountered during the crawling process.

Indexing Priority Settings

Webmasters can now specify the priority of different sections of their website for indexing. This feature allows prioritization of important pages and content, ensuring they are crawled and indexed promptly for maximum visibility in search results.

Coverage Trend Analysis

The improved index coverage status feature also includes trend analysis capabilities, allowing webmasters to track changes in index coverage over time. This helps identify emerging issues and assess the effectiveness of optimization efforts.

Enhanced URL Inspection Tool

The URL inspection tool in Google Search Console has undergone significant enhancements, providing webmasters with more detailed information about individual URLs on their websites. Key features include:

Enhanced URL Inspection Tool Google Search Console Features

Request Indexing Functionality

Webmasters can now request indexing for individual URLs directly within the URL inspection tool. This allows for faster indexing of new or updated content, ensuring it appears in search results promptly.

Page Experience Insights

The URL inspection tool now provides insights into the page experience signals, including Core Web Vitals metrics and mobile usability issues. This helps webmasters identify and address any issues that may impact user experience and search rankings.

Structured Data Validation

Webmasters can validate structured data markup directly within the URL inspection tool, ensuring that Google can properly understand and display rich snippets for the URL in search results. This helps enhance the visibility and click-through rates of search listings.

Live Testing Capabilities

The URL inspection tool now includes live testing capabilities, allowing webmasters to see how Google renders a specific URL in real time. This helps identify rendering issues that may affect how the page appears in search results and address them accordingly.


These new features in Google Search Console provide webmasters with valuable insights and tools to optimize their websites for better visibility and user experience in Google Search. By leveraging enhanced performance reports, improved index coverage status, and the enhanced URL inspection tool, webmasters can make informed decisions to drive organic traffic and improve search rankings. Stay updated with the latest developments in Google Search Console to stay ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of search engine optimization.

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FAQs: Google Search Console Features

What are the main features included in the enhanced performance reports of Google Search Console?

A1. The enhanced performance reports include metrics on Core Web Vitals, mobile usability insights, search appearance data, and historical data trends.

How can webmasters benefit from the improved index coverage status feature?

A2. Webmasters can benefit from detailed error reporting, URL inspection enhancements, indexing priority settings, and coverage trend analysis to ensure maximum visibility in search results.

What are some key functionalities of the enhanced URL inspection tool in Google Search Console?

A3. Key functionalities include request indexing functionality, page experience insights, structured data validation, and live testing capabilities for individual URLs.

Why is it important for webmasters to stay updated with the latest developments in Google Search Console?

A4. Staying updated with the latest developments in Google Search Console allows webmasters to optimize their websites for better visibility and user experience in Google Search, ultimately driving organic traffic and improving search rankings.

How can webmasters use historical data trends in Google Search Console to improve their website’s performance?

A5. Webmasters can use historical data trends to track how their website’s performance has evolved, identify patterns and fluctuations in search visibility, and develop better long-term optimization strategies.

Understanding the Importance of Canonical URLs in Website Optimization

In the dynamic world of website optimization, canonical URLs play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity and efficiency of your online presence. This often-overlooked aspect of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) holds the key to resolving duplicate content issues, thereby enhancing your website’s ranking potential on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Canonical URLs serve as a directive to search engines, indicating the preferred version of a webpage among multiple URLs with similar or identical content. By specifying the canonical URL, you consolidate the ranking signals for the preferred page, mitigating the risk of diluted authority and improving the overall SEO performance of your website.

Understanding and implementing canonical URLs effectively can lead to significant improvements in organic traffic, user experience, and ultimately, conversion rates. To delve deeper into this crucial aspect of website optimization, check out this insightful article:

Understanding Canonical URLs.

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